hey guys! it's only one day for us to PRACTISE!!
i know most of us are having tests tmr or even on friday! don't be stressed up okay!! jiayouS:)
and yeah today's practice wasn't really up to expectations but hey guys! we can do it! if we can play better than today in the past, WE CAN DO BETTER on friday! don't worry so much yeah;D just left with 2 or even 1 more night to self-prac at home! self-prac isn't a big problem yeah! just 15 mins or even half an hour to practise the part that you have gone wrong during practice! :D JIAYOUS!!
some changes are added to the concert, but don't worry! we still have all the other important pieces that we can show our audience:D
some tips:
1) listen to the links of the songs we are playing and yeah! get the rhythm right!
2) COUNT PROPERLY! don't go off the beat so often and LOOK AT MR GOH!
3) look out for ur bowing! i guess this isn't much of a problem! if you use the wrong bowing during concert, take a deep breath and continue with the song:)
4) SMILE AT ALL TIMES! don't give that serious look to the audience yeah:D :) if
5) if you play wrongly in concert, JUST SMILE AND CONTINUE:D
6) enjoy the music you are playing:D immerse yourself in it and feel for the music:D
7) WHAT IF THE STRING BREAKS OR OUT OF TUNE??!? *touchwood* just go along and act normal:D try to use other strings to play the note if not u just smile and look at
8)in solving the out of tune thing, PUSH ALL YOUR pegs IN TIGHTLY!! yup! can ask ur sl help u ba!
9)if you think u are playing wrongly, listen to ur partner!~ your stand partner is always there to help u:D
CONCERT TIPS: (reminder)
1) WALK GLAMLY GIRLS:) hahaha and don't make the stage so noisy=X just try to reduce the noise coming from ur heels xD
2)your bow is facing up and hold ur violin/viola downwards(a bit above shoulder but no t that high)
3) when leaving the stage, walk in orderly manner!! yeah!
4) smile when standing:D
yup! don't worry so much though! just 1.5 days left! we can do it yeah:) JIAYOUS RVSE
& just play with energy on that day! and impress your fellow frens in the audience:DD
our first piece's 1st mvmt- beginning is GOOD:D there's energy! but there isn't enough energy for other beginnings/ending, so PLS PLAY LOUDER:D:D:D
oh yeah, for violinists and violists, if you feel super tired after holding ur instru, try your best to sit up straight at all times and smile k:DD just endure for a while during concert:D

hey everyone!!! CONCERT IS JUST 11 days away!!!!
are you excited?? :)
hmm tmr will be the 1st audi rehearsal! SO JIAYOUS:)
and let's learn to remember stuffs and not forgetting them:D
oh ya! remember to smile on stage xD
like this:

hey! i don't know whether anyone will come here!! BUT RVSE! we are only left with 19 days! and we only have a few practices left together before the actual concert!
actually i feel rather nervous because there will be around 800 people LOOKING AT US :O
hahah it's the same for band and co concert! SO WE CAN DO IT TOO!
19 days!!
it might be tough for the year 5 and 6 because they are having their MYEs! as juniors, i think we should support them:) JIAYOUS!!
at the same time, we should practise hard for the concert! i believe if all of us do our best in our concert, we will end the concert with NO REGRETS!
we can do it! i trust our conductor, mr goh, has faith in us and HAS EXPECTATIONS OF US! we shouldn't make him disappointed right!! mr goh also puts in effort in finding all these interesting pieces! seeing his effort in typing a wonderful email, shouldn't we thank him for all these by practising hard?
19 days! we can do it yeah! JIAYOUS:)
this concert will be leave a DEEP IMPRESSION for most seniors!WHYY! it might be the last concert for the year 6s and maybe year 5s. SO JUNIORS! we shall make this concert a fruitful one and a good experience for all of us
19 days! one for all, all for one!
-nicholine xD